Keep It Simple!!!
There is a song called 'Lemon Tree' by a band called Fool's Garden and i'm not talking about the song by kinston trio. The beauty of the song in my personal opinion lies in its simplicity. Lyrics go like ' I'm sitting here in a boring room,It's just another rainy sunday afternoon.I'm wasting my time, I got nothing to do.I'm hanging around, I'm waiting for you,But nothing ever happens - and I wonder.' You don't have to be a rocket scientist to understand this. But what adds the flavour to these words are the arrangement and the tune. I am not trying to analyse the song but what i am trying to say really is that songs which are simple to ear strike us most, to me atleast. By simple i mean songs which are simple to listen to, like lets say Till There Was You by The Beatles (their cover version), the arrangement in my opinion is not at all simple but when you listen to it, it flows smoothly and gently sets you in the mood.
Now lets take songs by Dream Theatre into consideration. When you listen to them you can immediatly sense how complicated the whole structure is. How all the individual players in the band are playing to their level best wtihout comprising at all. Individually, undoubtedly, they sound brilliant because of their technical superiority but as a band, to me, they sound like noise.
Most metal bands also have this habit of overplaying and making music complicated by putting too much technicality into it and loosing the essence of the song amidst all of it.
So, i think, songs which are actually number one are the ones which are simple to the ear, smooth flowing, rhythmical and has a punch. Rock 'n roll, classic rock i thnink are two genres where songs are simple to hear, makes a point whether dealing with political issues or emotional wreckage. Alternative is another genre which has come up in last decade has that quality of simplicity. Life generally is too complicated for words and if songs follow the same trend its damm frustrating!!!!! So I SAY ... KEEP IT SIMPLE !
PS. I would also like to say that rock n roll and classic rock being my personal favourite i mentioned it that way... but i think simplicity in songs is genre free !